“Caring, competent, and professional support for individuals and families struggling with addiction and mental health disorders.”

  • Clinical Intervention

    I support families in engaging in an intervention process with their loved one, while also helping to navigate the process of early recovery. My goal is to help families develop the tools required for effective and transparent communication, healthy boundary setting, and increased connection.

  • Comprehensive case management and consulting services

    I support individuals in their personal recovery through individual and family coaching, collaboration, advocacy, and appropriate treatment recommendations. I strive to provide transparent and hands on support through the entire treatment and early recovery process.

Henry Maxwell BA, CAS, CRS, CPC, CAI

After entering recovery in 2013, I have spent my career trying to help others achieve stable recovery from substance dependence and co-occurring disorders. I use a combination of personal experience, clinical training, and education to help others succeed and grow. I have worked in many different phases of the addiction treatment process, and have a strong understanding of the conditions necessary for recovery to take place.

I work nationally, as well as locally in the Aspen, Carbondale, Basalt, and Glenwood Springs area.

Born and raised in Colorado, I enjoy running, biking, making art, and spending time with friends and family.

Why Maxwell Recovery Services?

  • Experience

    I have substantial experience in addiction counseling, case management, addiction treatment, crisis management, and treatment placement. Over the past 8 years, I have worked in a broad array of settings within the addiction treatment field.

  • Education

    I have received pertinent training in addiction counseling, intervention, recovery coaching, safe passage, trauma, and motivational interviewing.

  • Professional ethics

    Member of the addiction professional organization NAADAC and NAATP, Certified addiction specialist in the state of Colorado through the Department of Regulatory Agencies

“ Henry is one the most intuitive, talented, and skilled colleagues that I’ve had the pleasure of working alongside. His ability to conceptualize care is a key factor that sets him apart from other professionals. He brings an elite level of wisdom, guidance, support, and sophistication to his clients. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for excellence when it comes to client care.”

- Colleague

Henry's knowledge of addiction both from personal experience and as a clinician was invaluable. His focus was on the entire family and not just our addict son. He is personable and approachable and his help allowed us to sleep at night during a very stressful time. I can't recommend him enough.”

- Family member

“ I have had the privilege of working alongside Henry Maxwell in a professional capacity over the past several years. He is exceptional in his thoroughness with families, clients, and professionals. His attention to detail is top notch. I would highly recommend Henry to anyone needing comprehensive case management services for their families and loved ones.”


Contact me

Call now for a free, confidential, and understanding consultation

Aspen, Carbondale, Basalt, Glenwood Springs, and throughout the United States


Henry G. Maxwell BA, CAS, CRS, CAI, CPC

(970) 987 1525


218 East Valley Road, Suite 104 PMB 272

Carbondale, Colorado